Welcome to our new website! The “Gruppo Acquariofilo Salentino” (G.A.S.) is a cultural and non-profit organization which was founded on January 6, 2000. Gathering more than sixty members of the Salento area (Apulian region, South East of Italy) G.A.S is a forum of lively discussions about the “aquarium world”. G.A.S aim consists in promoting knowledge relating to the aquarium and, more generally to aquatic habitats as a hobby. So far, we have been organizing monthly lectures by famous speakers, regular member meetings, and visits to museums and excursions to local aquatic biotopes. Inedited articles written by our members are also regularly released on our website.
Once a year, the Gruppo Acquariofilo Salentino organizes, in the city of Lecce, a three-day national event, known as the “Salento Acquari”, displaying numerous aquaria representing the most important marine and freshwater biotopes of the Planet. Moreover, the Salento Acquari event hosts several competitions of tropical freshwater fishes. Thus, in 2003, with the support of several other associations, G.A.S organized successively Mediterranea Discus, the International Championship of the “king” of the aquarium, and the 1st National Contest of Show Guppy. More than 2500 people came to attend these events. Subsequently, more than 5000 people came from all overItaly and other parts of the World came inLecce to attend the fourth edition of “Salento Acquari 2004”
In 2005, there was an overhelming response from the public, participants at the contests and professional dealers that participated at the 5th edition of Salento Acquari hosting the 3rd edition of Mediterranea Discus (with participants from other European countries and Asia) and the 1st National Show Betta Contest. More that 30,000 people came from all overItaly, Europe andAsia to attend this new great event.
Also the edition of 2006 (6th) welcomed over than 25,000 visitors in three days coming from all over the world and it was another expected success.
The 7th and 8th editions of Salento Acquari were held in 2007 and 2010 respectively. Both the shows hosted two other editions of Mediterranea Discus Contest with participants from other European countries too.
We invite you to contact us for any information you may need or question you may have about aquarium management, fishes, aquatic plants a.s.o. The contact details of our experts and their relevant area of practice can be found on our website under “Pronto Soccorso” (“Help”). Please do not hesitate to contact them even if you are not Italian! You will get relevant answers in English too! Keep in touch and long life to aquaria!